Observe this Phenomenon

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Complete the OBSERVE section of your Project Portfolio

What "PIQUE"s your curiosity about this Phenomenon?

What did you SEE? What do you THINK happened? What do you WONDER?



What did you see and notice? Describe whatever you observed without explaining how or why it might have happened.


Initial Explanation

Construct a tentative explanation for the phenomenon you observed. What happened and why?



Ask questions. What do you wonder? What else would you need to know, to understand the phenomenon you observed?



Get together with students who asked similar questions and form an Investigation Team to research that aspect of the phenomenon. List team members' names in your portfolio. Present your team's findings to the class.

Deliverable: Observation of a Phenomenon 

I observed a phenomenon and described what I SAW.
I wrote about what I THOUGHT happened and why, in my project portfolio.
I asked questions about what i WONDERED.
I go together with a small group that will research together.