Now that you have collected data, it's time make sense of it.
- Compare your data to the scientific standards for biological diversity.
- Consider information about vulnerable, threatened or endangered species. that were once plentiful in your area and are now scarce
- Make a claim about whether your chosen location is diverse or not, using your data as evidence and the standards for diversity as the basis for your REASONing.

Based on an analysis of the data you collected in the GATHER stage, does your initial explanation of the phenomenon hold when applied to the area you investigated? Have you learned anything that could help you revise or refine your explanation to be more accurate and complete? For instance:
- If you conducted a wildlife or vegetative survey, or used the quadrats, you can use the Shannon Wiener Species Diversity Index Calculator or the Simpson's Diversity Index Calculator. These values can be used to compare two different sites, allowing you to determine which sites are the most diverse.
- If you recorded a more simple tally of species, you can use this simple biodiversity calculator (page 14 - 15).
- If you gathered other data, display it in a graph to make it easier to spot patterns or trends and analyze their significance. Try this online graph-maker: Create A Graph. Think about how you could compare your data to a standard. What would be your authoritative source? What conclusions about biodiversity can you draw from your data and findings?
Convert your explanation to a claim about the biodiversity of the area you investigated. Note this C-E-R form and scoring rubric you can use to make your argument.
- Make a Claim that answers the question: What is the water quality of the creek we tested?
- Support the claim with Evidence (test results and other data you gathered).
- Connect the evidence to the claim with scientific Reasoning by comparing your data to the ideal biodiversity index scores. Explain the significance of your findings, according to a a scientific principle or an authoritative source.
- Revise the claim to be consistent with the evidence, if necessary.


Based on your claim, evidence (data), and reasoning, what problems are affecting the area's biodiversity? (Hint: Was any data not in an acceptable range? If all the test results were ideal, are there any factors which you did not investigate? How could you find out more about those factors?)
Select one of the problems (such as plant diversity, animal diversity, or endangered species that used to be plentiful in this area). Consider the effects or significance of this problem as well as its root causes. Identify and write about the problem in the Reasoning section of your Portfolio. Identify factors that may cause or contribute to the problem. Consider what happens as a result of this problem. Why does it matter?