Last Step on the Zero Waste Project Pathway
After all you have investigated, researched, engineered, and accomplished, you know much more about waste disposal now than when you first observed the phenomenon. Re-read your Initial Explanation of the video (on the Observe page of your Portfolio) and your Claim with evidence about waste disposal at the location you investigated (on the Reason page). Revise your claim, if necessary. Revise your explanation in the following format:
Revised Explanation (Claim / Evidence / Reasoning)
My claim about the waste disposal of (identify the location) is ___________________________________. The evidence for this claim is _____________________________________________________ (don't just list your data here - explain how your data compares to the data you would expect for an average location, citing the scoring system to which you compared your data). Other evidence that supports my claim is ___________________________ (describe any evidence other than the data you gathered). Despite ______________________, __________________ (acknowledge and account for any evidence that conflicts with or tempers your claim). Although ____________________, _____________________ (anticipate and refute possible misconceptions or misinterpretations of your evidence). Therefore ______________________________ (use reasoning to make an overall comparison of your evidence compared to average values). Cite the scientific principle (or the scoring system you used) and identify any caveats (any critically important evidence that overides the reasoning).
What's Next?

You made a difference with your zero waste project! And there is much more you can do to make the earth a better place. Why not tackle another zero waste project with your class? Keep testing and monitoring your location every month? Or return to the GREAT Project Pathways Home Page and find another problem to tackle?
Even if your class is moving on to other subjects, you can draw on your creativity, resourcefulness and energy to take action individually or with a few friends. This Handprinter app will help you compare the impact of different things you could do.